Tuesday, December 03, 2013

The Journey

At the computer early this AM. DH has a doctor's appointment so we were up early, he's on his way and I'm getting things finished.  Today is one of those days where the list is long and I want to get a lot of things accomplished.  Crossing fingers and toes.

Of course, edits are high on the list. Phone calls also. I have a large stack of papers to file, and I look at my file cabinet and cringe. There is so much stuff in that metal box that I must go through. DH says I don't know how to file. (grinning) Yes I do, he just doesn't know how to find things.

I read today that men and women's brains are wired differently. Or so the experts have discovered.
Don't you love it? We women have  known that for years. Women and men don't think alike and any idiot ought to be able to figure that out just by listening to a husband and wife as they converse after they've been married for a couple of years. He doesn't remember saying it, but she can quote word for word what he said.

Same with my filing cabinet. I told him where I was filing it. He just has forgotten. And of course, my guy is an engineer. A place for everything, all diagramed on a piece of paper with labels attached. It did help with the writing, but not with my filing.

Then there's the small file cabinet with research materials in it.  Oh, joy. I don't even want to think about that one. Everywhere we went, I collected material for future books. I have used some, but most is still there. And it will have to be disposed of.  And it is not going to get done if I don't get started.  This getting everything together at the end of your life is gut wrenching in one way. Wish I'd have thought about having to do all of this as I was collecting - 'stuff'!


1 comment:

Rita Bay said...

Hey Allison,
Filing is a bitch too. With the internet, you can find just about anything. I have a whole drawer of research materials that I just don't want to toss. Well, maybe I must. Later, Rita