Sunday, May 06, 2007

Writer's Life

Yesterday I attended a meeting of our local RWA
chapter and one of the members commented that
I view writing as a job.

I thought about that on the drive home. And yes,
I do think of writing as a job. It's also an
occupation, an obsession, and something I have
to do.

The job part - I start every morning at the computer.
Saturdays and Sundays are a bit different, but, yes
I'm at the computer on those days too. And I stay
at the computer most of the day. I do take time
out for household duties, laundry, meals, shopping,
but most of the day is at the computer, or at the desk
starting something new. I'm a plotter.

It's also an occupation. When people ask, I describe
myself as a writer of romance novels. I used to
get raised eyebrows, but now, like as not, I'll get
"You know, I'd like to write a book."

It an obsession. A friend laughing asked how I sleep
with all those characters running around in my head.
It's sometimes very difficult, when one of my characters
is insisting on having his or her story told. The details,
descriptions, dialogue, swirl around inside my head
until I start to put things down on paper. It doesn't
stop the thoughts, just gives me an outlet. I guess
I shouldn't complain about that.

It's also something I must do. I'd be absolutely
miserable if I couldn't write about those characters
that keep me awake at night. I have two yelling at
me at the moment. The book I was going to write will
have to wait while I tell Carol and Harry's story.
They refuse to sit on the side lines. I have to write
about them now.

Nuts, crazy, insane - Nope! I'm a writer.

'It's all about Romance'
"Heal My Hurting Heart" now
available from Champagne Books

1 comment:

Weasel1 said...

Yes, the characters are restless. When I am not writing I can almost feel the characters trying to get out and now it's at the point that the characters are the ones that get me to continue writing when I take a break from writing. My characters are relentless.

Writing, for me, isn't so much a job, for I don't consider it work. It doesn't feel like work; it feels more like an obligation. I just wish that I had had the courage to start writing earlier in my life; but perhaps I'm ready now and I wasn't then.

Blake Southwood