Friday, December 06, 2013

The Journey

At the computer early today!  DH had to take the car in for an oil change. It's that time. So I have  very little to do. Yahoo! 

Well, things are getting accomplished.  It's a good feeling as I look at my list. Oh, there are still lots of items on that list, but I do get to cross things off, at least every other day.  Now I'm working on edits, and doing the conversion at the same time. So in another week or two, I'll be able to cross that item off my list.

I keep staring at that file cabinet and groaning. I will have to have help with that one. My daughter plans to spend the week of Christmas with us this year. Her sweet husband insists. His parents are in the same condition we are in - old, sick, and getting ready to die. He wants to spend the week with his father, so I guess it's all right.  I'm not in favor of husbands and wives spending weeks away from each other at the holidays, but these are different circumstances. I guess it's okay. (Okay, so I'm old fashioned - and a bit of a romantic - or I wouldn't be writing historical romance. (grinning)).

Heavy weather again today, but I've already referenced that. Good thing I have a very simple lunch planned.

So off to do edits - while DH is at the dealership.



Rita Bay said...

Glad it's coming along well. Keep it up. I need the book Rita

Runere McLain said...

Strange how we love our husbands yet cheer at the occasional time to ourselves, isn't it? lol Glad you're getting to use the time he's busy with other things to finish edits. (Just don't over do things!) Looking forward to this book!