Friday, May 23, 2014

The Journey

Boys, these older nurses sure have the answers. Mind made a suggestion about some of my meds yesterday when she visited, and was she right. She suggested I take one of the pills I kinda held back on at a different time before I attempted some of the things I was trying to do. Then she showed me how to figure the rest time and when. Today I actually think I'll be around for awhile.

I've even managed a few phone calls which have been problems because talking takes a lot of wind, something I'm running short on. I am so glad I took the advise of a good friend and changed companies. It looks like it's going to make a big difference,

On top of helping me with my shower and washing my hair, my health aid change our bed. That was no small chore, for we have the big, heavy, new (so we are not getting rid of it) mattress. Of course, it's king size and I wouldn't want to guess how much it weighs. A lot! Our sweet granddaughter was coming up to the house to change it for us,  which meant bundling up her toddler - one very active little guy (loved dearly by his great grandparents) to change our bed for us, because neither DH or I could do it. Even stopping to rest every few seconds. Just can't do those things anymore.

Something to think about as you age. Do you have a big, heavy mattress that you'll have to lift when you get older?

At least today I feel like I can get whole bunches done. Oh, it's a good feeling. So I better thank all you of offering up a prayer or two. See! They do work.

Off to work on the next book.


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